Retirement in Turkey

Retirement age is 58 for women and 60 for men in Turkey. The last change about retirement age became valid on 1st October 2008. Consequently, retirement age will gradually   increase to 65 for both women and men by 2048. Because it is an antecedent right, retirement age changes according to beginning date of working. For example, if the beginning date of working is before 01.04.1981, 20 years working is enough for retirement of women, there is no age limit. The following table shows retirement age regime for Turkey by years.

For men For women
Beginning date of working Working duration(year) age Number of social security days Beginning date of working Working duration age Number of social security days
Before 1976 25 5000 Before 1981 20 5000
1977-1979 25 44 5000 1981- 20 38 5000
1979-1980 25 45 5000 1981-1984 20 40 5000
1980-1982 25 46 5075 1986 20 42 5075
1982-1983 25 47 5150 1986-1987 20 43 5150
1983-1985 25 48 5225 1987-1988 20 44 5225
1985-1986 25 49 5300 1988-1989 20 45 5300
1986-1988 25 50 5375 1989-1990 20 46 5375
1988-1989 25 51 5450 1990-1991 20 47 5450
1989-1991 25 52 5525 1991-1992 20 48 5525
1991-1992 25 53 5600 1992-1993 20 49 5600
1992-1994 25 54 5675 1993-1994 20 50 5675
1994-1995 25 55 5750 1994-1995 20 51 5750
1995-1997 25 56 5825 1995-1996 20 52 5825
1997-1998 25 57 5900 1996-1997 20 53 5900
1998-1999 25 58 5975 1997-1998 20 54 5975
1999-2009 60 7000 1998-1999 20 55 5975
2009 -2035 60 9000 1999-2009 58 7000
2036-2044 65 9000 2009-2035 58 9000
2035-2048 65 9000

Seafarers had fallen within heavy industry in Turkey before 2009. It means seafarer’s 10 month work was counted as 12 month work and also 3600 day working was counted as 5000 for seafarers before 2009. From now on, seafarers also depend to the same act like the other workers.  As a result, retirement age will gradually increase to 65 between 2036 and 2048 for seafarers, too.